Friday, January 2, 2015

A Look Back At 2014

With 2014 now at an end, we all like to form new "resolutions" or tell ourselves all that we will change about ourselves in the coming year. Although the New Year provides (often short-lived) inspiration for these changes, it is always important to remember our pasts and all that we have lived through. With that, I would like to take the time to look back to 2014 and all that the year provided us.


The great spark up of Ebola in East and Central Africa was a shock for many, and sparked panic in the hearts of many citizens around the world. The initial shock eventually wore off and suddenly the average citizen began to understand that although this was a serious issue to be dealt with, the common person was in no real danger. We could also take from this that we often dramatically overreact to tragedy, especially in cases such as Governor Chris Christie's uneducated (shocking) quarantine of nurse Kaci Hickox.

Ferguson and Staten Island

These two similar, yet simultaneously dramatically different, cases shook the foundations of American lives and gripped the throat of many politicians. With the death of Michael Brown, protests sparked up in Ferguson, Missouri and the militaristic-style response from the police lead Americans to wonder exactly what it was they were allowing their law enforcement to become. The protests turned violent and quickly became riots, and suddenly everyone was willing to point fingers.

Then, with the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York City came a case much like Michael Browns (in the way of police-brutality and unnecessary use of force on a minority) only without all the vague details of Michael Brown's case. There was no disputing autopsies or unreliable witness statements, but instead there was a video for everyone to see for themselves. Despite that, the cop still got off without any sort of punishment. This problem has, unfortunately, not been taken care of once and for all, and I thoroughly believe will continue to be a subject to talk about for years to come. We must remember to be willing to draw the line in trusting law enforcement, and blind faith.

Russia Invades Ukraine

This dirty trick played by Russia left most people scratching their heads and wondering: "Are... Are they allowed to do that?" Of course, the answer is no, but despite condemnations from the West, Russia was never truly punished for the notorious act that was invading their bordering-neighbor. At first, Russian President and shirtless legend, Vladimir Putin, denied their involvement with the Russian-speaking and Russian-uniformed men who claimed they were Russian stating they were "local self defense units".

Naturally, that excuse fell apart and a full scale war erupted between the people of Ukraine and anyone willing to step on their agenda. As of now, Russia is losing it's international grasp economically and can no longer afford full-scale war on their neighbors.

Robin Williams Dies

Although Robin's death did not involve the invasion of a small country, a racial segregation movement, or the outbreak of a deadly disease, Robin Williams' death had a significant impact, even if it hurt the public a little to swallow. Robin Williams was a comedian and actor whose deep-smile could have lifted the spirits of any downed soul. That is why when the public heard of his suicide via hanging, the large majority of people were taken back by the details.

From this, never forget that there is always much more to people than we can ever initially see at first-look. Each life is individual, intricate, and complicated as yours and mine.


I close my year knowing that within the past few months my life has changed so dramatically in so many ways, including this blog. I am no professional writer or artist, but I love doing what I do. One year ago, I was in ROTC and near-positive that I was going to join the military immediately after high school. One day, I decided I wanted to read more broadly and discover more things than what I had heard growing up my entire life.

Because of that decision I am vastly and permanently changed in ways that I would have never seen myself changing. Now, I'm a pacifist who loves art, reading, and writing.

One year is a long time, so make sure that it counts for something. With that, I officially close off my year of 2014, and start the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm young high school student on 61 Broadway #2825, New York, NY 10006. I have had problems with my sexuality, gender identity, and place in society. However, even though with these problems, I have still manage to follow this courageous blog. You have inspire to come out to the world and express my inner-Bruce Jenner. That was for humorous effect. You are my muse, flame, and inspiration. I adore you and when I finally "bat" for the other "team". (By that mean switching gender identities) I will find you and express my true desires to you.
    (P.S. I sorry for the grammar, I have too much feelings for you.)
