Until recently, it seemed as though most people had never heard of the now-infamous Koch brothers. However, their family has been active in the corporate world, as well as the political world, for quite some time. Once their father died, however, the overwhelming privacy faded away, and now Charles G. and David H. Koch are political celebrities.
The brothers have now come out and said they plan on spending as much as 900 million dollars in the upcoming 2016 presidential elections. Not only do they plan on spending 900 million, but they plan on putting money into both sides of the race.
The Kochs and all their political and economic affiliates have built a strong operation that aims at every statistic, including young voters and minorities.
If you're unaware of the numbers of politics, in the 2012 election the same Koch brothers spent 400 million, which at the time was an astonishing amount of money.
So why does this effect the average public? Well, it proposes a modest question which we all must ask ourselves? That question being; is corporate money circulating around politics safe for liberty, the economy, or anti-corruption efforts.
Although money is one key factor, and necessity, during campaign elections, thus being the pro, with such large quantities like 900 million dollars, at what point are the parties and electorates no longer in control of themselves? At what point are they simply marionettes being danced around by large corporate giants like the Koch brothers?
That's all I have to say today, but I'll be back tomorrow.
"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It's fatal." -Paulo Coelho
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