Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Islamic State Burns 45 People to Death

The Islamic State's brutality has long been a subject of discomfort for the West, following their recent rise to power (via fear-mongering). With their desecration of the Muslim religious societal identity while simultaneously destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

However, the Islamic State has truly out-villainized themselves this time, in the Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi. Last week, IS fighters captured the majority of the town near a local airbase last week.

This did not come as a particular surprise to the country, as al-Baghdadi had been under siege by the Islamic State until it finally fell on Thursday.

The local police chief came out with a statement that the Islamic State militants had burned 45 people to death in al-Baghdadi.

The issue that the Islamic State proposes to the humanity of the Middle East will be, without doubt, one of the most important issues of the coming year in politics. However, the sheer amount of disgusting brutality that the Islamic State has shown is not a debatable subject.

No religion, political standpoint, or personal quarrel is worth the kind of hideous persona that the IS has taken on. The politics will rage on ("SHOULD WE FIGHT?!" "THE CHILDREN?!" "WHEN WILL KING OBAMA TAKE ACTION?!" *smirk*) but there should be no ounce of sympathy for the monsters that call themselves the Islamic State. They have disgraced their religion. They have disgraced their species.

That's all I have to say today, but I'll be back tomorrow.

"The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things." -Rainer Maria Rilke

1 comment:

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