Thursday, October 23, 2014

Snowden, Assange, and Manning. This Era's Freedom Fighters.

It's not exactly a mystery that within the past few months or years the topic of whistleblowers has become a bigger and bigger topic.

There was the Private First Class Chelsea (Bradley) Manning who leaked. This is a confusing story in itself without the details so let me briefly explain. 

Chelsea was diagnosed with Gender Identification Disorder and has, ever since she was a child, self-identified as a girl. However, biologically speaking she is a man. For respect of her decisions and individual freedoms, I will refer to her throughout this as her self-identified self, Chelsea Manning.

So, Chelsea was in charge, as a Private First Class, to often deal with and handle many classified United States military documents.

She said that she noticed extremely upsetting things throughout the files that she couldn't believe no one cared about. She noticed we had committed serious war crimes. We had committed crimes that violated morals and human rights in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries we had been.

Finally, one day, she couldn't take it anymore, and handed every file she could over to Julian Assange, who founded WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is a website that posts any and all leaked files for anyone to view.

One of the most shocking of these leaks was this video:

Warning: Video contains mild violence.

The video is rather long so you don't need to watch it, but this Apache helicopter fired on a group of innocent, unarmed citizens in Baghdad killing every one and insisting they had RPGs (which were actually cameras).

As if this wasn't bad enough, then, when a investigative team showed up, they ran the bodies over with their car and proceeded to laugh with the Apache pilots that shot the citizens about it.

If you aren't a clinical sociopath without any sense of a moral compass, obviously you understand the true disgust in this sort of thing.

Chelsea was arrested almost immediately after the files were done transferring.

Then, there's Julian Assange.

His sight WikiLeaks has been under constant political fire for quite some time now. However, no government has the right or ability to take his sight down. It's perfectly legal, since he didn't take the documents he posts himself. It's all just journalism at that point.

It is his sight that hosts the document leaks from Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning.

Which brings us to Edward Snowden.

Mr. Snowden was a National Security Agency worker originally.

When he realized that the Untied States government was illegally spying on every citizen inside and outside the United States, he leaked every document he could find to the public and was chased out of the Government Agencies and has now been granted asylum in Russia.

The U.S. Government demanded that Russia give him up to the authorities, but Russia refused them, and still does.

His leaks have spawned a whole new privacy movement against the United States and has caused the upbringing of multiple difference action-organizations.

The reason I talk about all these whistleblowers, is because they are a very sensitive topic. However, I feel like it should be pretty straight forward for us at this point.

The men and women who rule over us are demanding that we surrender the rights of the people over to them. They claim it's for safety, and for our protection, but we must see past that.

These people are fighting and living in solitude and misfortune to show us what the true matter of it all is. They are trying to show us truth, and it's no coincidence that the government says they are liars or criminals.

So I am, as always, on the side of the people. We must never forget who out true enemies are. It is not Republican vs. Democrat. It is us against them.

That's all for today, I'll be back tomorrow with another post!

"The greatest country in the world would be the one that spent as much money on education as the U.S. does on war." -Malcolm X

1 comment:

  1. I'm young high school student on 61 Broadway #2825, New York, NY 10006. I have had problems with my sexuality, gender identity, and place in society. However, even though with these problems, I have still manage to follow this courageous blog. You have inspire to come out to the world and express my inner-Bruce Jenner. That was for humorous effect. You are my muse, flame, and inspiration. I adore you and when I finally "bat" for the other "team". (By that mean switching gender identities) I will find you and express my true desires to you.
    (P.S. I sorry for the grammar, I have too much feelings for you.)
