Thursday, October 30, 2014

Israel, Quite The Controversy, I'm Afraid...

The United States gives the country of Israel over 3 billion dollars annually, and yes that is a lot of money.

Why, though, do we give so much of our wealth and resources to the country of Israel? There are a few answers. In my personal experience, there are two arguments in particular I find absurd.

The first of the two is that "the Bible says to always stand by Israel". Statistically speaking, if you are reading this, odds are you are Christian. So let me assure I have no intent on offending. However, not only is America not centralized around any religion purposefully, but if we based our laws off what the Bible said we would still live in a time period much like the Medieval Period. I'll say it, I don't want to live in the Medieval Period. We would have made no further progress, society would be corrupted (i.e. Last time we let the Church make laws and children were forced to revolt, only to be sold into slavery by the Church.)

The other argument I've come across is that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and because of that it is our job to go to every extent to make sure they prosper. At first sight this probably sounds reasonable. Do I agree? No.

As a matter of fact, I believe it is the opposite of just that.

Israel is not popular in their region of the world, and are actually one of the most notoriously hated countries in the world. (Probably not a coincidence) However, Israel is a small nation and although it's army is strong, people aren't attacking it, and it's clear as to why. The United States is all that stands in the way of the destruction of Israel by the entirety of the Middle Eastern section of the world.

So, America fights on in defense of the little nation despite the fact that they mock and humiliate the United States (The Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu is popularly quoted saying: 

"I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right way. They won't get in our way."

The constant battle between Israel and Palestine has shown the world that any humanitarian does not side with Israel, and deep down, everyone wants to be that humanitarian.

So people hate Israel, right? I'll kill it before it happens: it's not because they're Jewish, it's because they treat other humans like second-rate garbage.

So it is the United States' job to protect and influence democracy in the Middle Easy (which it's not), but at the same time, the one state we protect and influence more than any other is the most notoriously hated country in the region?

Meanwhile, Great Britain and Sweden have both (along with other countries) recognized Israel's personal firing range, Palestine, as it's own independent country.

With the falsely-pretended invasion of Iraq, the lack of education for our children, and supporting the wrong side of every fight, we make democracy look terrible.

A new Google Survey shows that the majority opinion of United States citizens think we provide far too much aid to the country of Israel.

So if most people don't support the country's financial aid, it doesn't benefit us, and it makes our system look flawed and corrupted, why bother sending them the money? That's a lot of money! It could go to schools! It could go to public health! It could go to libraries, or homeless shelters!

Instead it is going into the pockets of Israeli officials so that they can use it to create more weapons and missiles (which we also give them). And it's all because our Congressmen are too scared to lose their jobs to make any pushes what-so-ever.

I pray to the people who have the power to change this, the voters, the politicians, and the leaders, please make this change. It's not our job to push for the defense of a country that provides us nothing in return.

That's all for today, I'll be back Monday with another post!

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world you fear what he might say." -Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin

1 comment:

  1. I'm young high school student on 61 Broadway #2825, New York, NY 10006. I have had problems with my sexuality, gender identity, and place in society. However, even though with these problems, I have still manage to follow this courageous blog. You have inspire to come out to the world and express my inner-Bruce Jenner. That was for humorous effect. You are my muse, flame, and inspiration. I adore you and when I finally "bat" for the other "team". (By that mean switching gender identities) I will find you and express my true desires to you.
    (P.S. I sorry for the grammar, I have too much feelings for you.)
