Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"War On Cops" Yeah, Right.

In the Christmas edition of the New York Post, a banner soared across their front page declaring there was a "War On Cops" which refers to the murder of two cops, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, by a mentally ill and armed man.

Although the hyperbole accurately suits the bloody message the news site was trying to carry, it is a great embellishment. However, the NYPD and their union don't disagree with the headline and said there was "blood on many hands" for what had happened to the two officers, including the hands of Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Although the shooting was tragic, it did not reflect the Mike Brown or the Eric Garner movements, and the shooter had a long history of severe mental illness including, but not limited to, shooting his ex-girlfriend.

Since the shooting the police have received many threats and made several arrests that are connected to the threats. In one situation, a man posted a facebook photo of a cop being shot in the head and wrote #Nextt73. The officers took that to be a reference to their department and arrested the man, putting his bail at 250,000 dollars saying he was being connected to terrorist charges.

The overstatement of the situation cannot be overlooked by any means, as this supposed "War On Cops" includes two police officers being killed. Although any police officer, or any person for that matter, dying is tragic and should be at all costs avoided, two people is not a war. A mentally ill man shot two cops thinking he was helping a movement he was otherwise hurting.

This kind of exaggeration is what leads to media obscuration and blinds the people into believing that we should feel, or at least appear to feel, truly guilty for the wrong group of people.

So although Officers Liu and Ramos will be missed, under no circumstances should the two deaths, the police department's ignorant public statements, or any other opposing factor waver the movement that embodies the black American population living under harsher conditions, and much harsher profiling, than the white American population.

I cannot express severely enough how important it is to keep striving, despite all short comings that may be thrown at you, and especially so when fighting for the rights of another person.

That is all I have for today, but I will be back tomorrow with another post.

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored in than anything on to which it is poured." -Mark Twain

1 comment:

  1. I'm young high school student on 61 Broadway #2825, New York, NY 10006. I have had problems with my sexuality, gender identity, and place in society. However, even though with these problems, I have still manage to follow this courageous blog. You have inspire to come out to the world and express my inner-Bruce Jenner. That was for humorous effect. You are my muse, flame, and inspiration. I adore you and when I finally "bat" for the other "team". (By that mean switching gender identities) I will find you and express my true desires to you.
    (P.S. I sorry for the grammar, I have too much feelings for you.)
