Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas... Eve? You Get The Point.

I won't be posting tomorrow or the day after, because I will be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family.

Regardless, with that said, it is New Year's Eve. Now that it is the holiday season, like every year, we have the usual characters that show their anger at society.

The best example of this is Bill O'Reilly's "War on Christmas" bit that he starts around the holidays every year.

I'll keep this short for the message is clear and shallow.

As a society we must learn to embrace every culture for every individual has something better to offer. Calling society's practice of a (originally Pagan, despite the misconception) holiday is not only ignorant, but is also disappointing.

Acceptance of other cultures, religions, and beliefs is the only way a culture can truly thrive and make progress.

So remember to stay open minded and don't spit on other people's beliefs. Although it is easier to be hostile over things like religion and culture, it benefits the entire society much more for we as citizens to be more open-minded.

That's all I have for today, I'll be back again on Monday.

"Even people who claim everything is predetermined and there's nothing we can do to achieve it look both ways before they cross the roads." -Stephen Hawking

1 comment:

  1. I'm young high school student on 61 Broadway #2825, New York, NY 10006. I have had problems with my sexuality, gender identity, and place in society. However, even though with these problems, I have still manage to follow this courageous blog. You have inspire to come out to the world and express my inner-Bruce Jenner. That was for humorous effect. You are my muse, flame, and inspiration. I adore you and when I finally "bat" for the other "team". (By that mean switching gender identities) I will find you and express my true desires to you.
    (P.S. I sorry for the grammar, I have too much feelings for you.)
