Friday, September 26, 2014

So Much To Say, Goodness!

Just to start off... How are people allowed to say such stupid things on TV? Better yet, how do people find themselves saying these things without realizing how idiotic it is?

You might already know what I'm referring to.

I'm talking about Eric Collier and Greg Gutfeld, two co-hosts on Fox News's "The Five". While on the topic of Major Mariam Al Mansouri, who flew an F-16 in the bombing of ISIL (or ISIS, call it what you will). The two gentlemanly scholars found it an appropriate time to exchange a few sexist comments.

"After she bombed it, she couldn't park it," -Greg Gutfeld
"Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?" -Eric Bolling
These were two of the prize comments made during this back and forth. I'll be blunt on this topic. Eric and Greg are two news hosts. It is the job of the news and the media to educate the public. To show their outstanding ignorance through things like this should tell you something about their ability to educate the public.
If you watch "The Five" for your own news or entertainment it may be a good idea to start venturing to a different show.
Next, I'd like to bring some more attention to a couple more local topics that have gained some glances lately. But I'd like to feed the fire, regardless.
Recently, I've seen the oh-so great city of Huntsville, Alabama get gazes from some outside onlookers in the span of a couple weeks.
That's considerably uncommon for our little town of about 250,000 people. Wildly enough, the topic makes us look incredibly foolish.
If you aren't aware of the situation, here is the simple version (I'll link the full story at the bottom).
There was a boy at Sparkman Middle School who was known to be conducting some acts of unwanted sexual acts toward a few of his classmates. A teacher's aide, June Simpson instructed a 14-year-old student, and special needs child, to go into a school bathroom with the notorious boy so that they could catch him in the act of harassing the girl. However, Simpson failed to follow them into the bathroom. He then raped the girl and no one was around to stop it.
The detail that took me back was that the boy could not be punished after all this, because he had not been "caught in the act". Because of this, there were reports of the boy harassing girls even after this tragic incident.
The girl's family filed a federal lawsuit and the Vice President testified the girl was responsible for herself the moment she entered the bathroom.
This is an absolutely devastating thing to happen and makes me lose even more faith (the very little that I had left) in the local school systems. I hope that this poor girl is compensated in every single way that is possible.
I will leave a link to the active petition to get the people responsible for this fired once and for all, something which should not even need a petition.
I've run this entry a tad long so I'll end it here! Have a fantastic day, and I will be back to post again on Monday! Also, I'm glad to include this quote in this entry, it is one of my favorites of all time! :)
P.S. Apple built in a feature they hadn't told us about in their new iPhone 6 Plus! It bends! :D

"Pay attention, boy. The next suitable person you're in light conversation with, you stop suddenly in the middle of the conversation and look at the person closely and say 'What's wrong?' You say it in a concerned way. He'll say, 'What do you mean?' You say 'Something's wrong, I can tell. What is it?' And he'll look stunned and say 'How did you know?' He doesn't realize something's always wrong... with everybody. Often more than one thing. He doesn't know everybody's always going around all the time with something wrong and believing they're exerting great willpower and control to keep other people, for whom they think nothing's ever wrong, from seeing it. This is the way of people." -The Pale King

1 comment:

  1. I'm young high school student on 61 Broadway #2825, New York, NY 10006. I have had problems with my sexuality, gender identity, and place in society. However, even though with these problems, I have still manage to follow this courageous blog. You have inspire to come out to the world and express my inner-Bruce Jenner. That was for humorous effect. You are my muse, flame, and inspiration. I adore you and when I finally "bat" for the other "team". (By that mean switching gender identities) I will find you and express my true desires to you.
    (P.S. I sorry for the grammar, I have too much feelings for you.)
